Sunday, August 27, 2006


i like this photo very much~ hehe! daniel's idea

Monday, August 21, 2006

op photos

但愿他们还满意~ Posted by Picasa
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

ah, i see the reason now

今早,去参加了 boon lay 的照相比赛。整个照相过程很好玩。

知道题目后,和 daniel 和 kk 他们一起去组屋楼下照。照到一半时,突然看到一个很熟悉的侧面,尤其是那个发型,我看新加坡找不到第二个了。新加坡虽然是小,但在路上巧遇朋友,总还是会让我感到开心。但看那个人突然转了另一个方向,背对着我们,选择绕着组屋走到就在我们正前方100m 处的playground。这个举动很不合常理,因为那是绕远路。觉得是朋友的话,应该会前来打声招呼啊,可是又觉得我应该不会认错人,便拿起电话打给我怀疑的那个朋友,加以确定。kk offer his help by 用他的 70-200mm lens帮我瞄准看(哈哈!感觉好像狗仔队~)。而那个人手中握着小型的相机,看样子好像也是参赛者吧,而他的手机居然响了,他从口袋里拿出来,但就让它一直响,却不接。巧的是我打的电话也是没人接。。。


这个男人善变得可怕! 他更年期到了吗?

我是个很重视友谊的人,原本快乐的心情也受到影响了。问了daniel 和 kk,叫他们以男生的观点为这件事做个合理的解释,他们耸耸肩,摇摇头,说他们也想不透。

在麦当劳休息后,回到了boon lay cc,看到了他。果然是他没错。虽然没四目相接,但我百分百相信他也看到我了。他没上前来打招呼,我的hp也没动静,没有回电,也没有sms。天啊!这个家伙真没礼貌,他居然装作不认识我!越想越气愤! 被当成是透明人的滋味很不好受。


哈哈!我忽然明白了。我之前的纳闷都得到解答。oh yeah~ ^_^


难怪他会装作完全不认识我,不接之前的电话,也不过来打招呼。如果不是他自己心里有鬼,怕我当场搓破他,怕我把他对感情不专一的事情跟他的女朋友打小报告,他何必躲着我呢?哈哈!他那时在等着 submit 和 print photo 时,一定紧张得半死,在现场多待一分钟,就是多一分折磨。过后,他一直都特意背对着我们的方向,没有回过头来。呵呵!与其说是没回过头,不如说是不敢看过来。

想通了,心情愉快起来~~ 反而以看戏的角度去对待这件事。最可怜的是他的女朋友吧,他的花心和思想上的出轨,她肯定完全都不知道。

但现在事后想起来,有点后悔了;我啊,当时应该故意在他的身边晃来晃去,让他的心脏“运动运动”。 =p


回到我所照的照片,得赶快选好一张 submit 上去。这下子,我的精神能集中了。 =)

最后我们还留下来听结果。当然我们三个的都没有中。呵呵!但看了被选出来的10张照片,真的是创意无限。给了我们一些拍照的 idea。 下次照相时可以试试。


Friday, August 18, 2006

I met a lunatic last night


我不认识他。他自己在网上跑来认识我。当作是交一个网友,便和他聊了几句。他提到了照相,我便让他看了我最近照的烟火作品,他看后只说了这么一句:“not too bad” 突然接着说:“you take pple too? let's meet up one day, i sacrifice myself to let you take, for free some more.”



怎么会有这种人?明明是自己有求于人,自己想照,却把事情反过来说,他讲起来反而好像是他帮我一个大忙一样。我根本没有提过什么要照人的话呀~ 更何况,如果要照人,我也会选择照女生或我熟悉的男生。而且,我们在网上才讲不到 5 分钟,他怎么好意思开得了口说这些话?我冷冷地回他:“i dont need free model.”

原本以为这样就可以结束了。但他居然说:"i am tall and slim. and i dont usually let others take pics of me...." blah blah...... 讲到好像是说他可是给我特别优待,我应该感激他似的。突然,他的msn 视窗照片换了,还连换了有两三张。"this is me. hehe! not bad looking right?"

看看他在msn视窗上的照片,不看还好,看了差点喷饭:无神的眼睛,厚厚的章鱼嘴,蜡黄的皮肤,瘦骨如柴的鸟脚,紧身的上衣下裹着毫无分量的身体。如果要照男生的话,daniel 和我那些 photo friends 看起来绝对都比他顺眼多了。

''so, have you changed your mind?'


马上把他 delete 掉,还列入了黑名单。



My dear maryjane

maryjane。 嗯,真是好名字。

Friday, August 11, 2006

Nature & Mystique (Team New Caledonia)

Daniel 用照的。既然景色又是一样,我这次改用录的。


new caledonia team 真不赖!


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Monday, August 07, 2006

buy buy buy!

尔后和 daniel 去 Cathay Photo 看 monopod 和 tripod。谁叫我照相时手抖个不停,10张里就有9张是抖到的。

没想到在那里居然遇见了 christopher, 从不知道他也在那里上班。

看中了一个可承受8Kg 的 gitzo 的 cf monopod。价钱不菲,标价$470,他给了我们一点折扣,我们以$400买了。更扯的是,它还没有附袋子呢!但想到这个是照相时常会用到的,那么要买就应该买个好的。

那个 ball head 是另一个小失血,$180.
daniel 在物色一支好的 tripod, 目前还没决定好。时,又是另一笔了。

最近真的很会花钱。没多久前才买了 50mm macro lens + extension tube + teleconverter + B+W filter. 哈哈!真的是像 r.h. 讲的 “buy buy buy”

花钱是爽,但,嗯…… 是该省一点了。 =p

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ugly Face Contest

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Istana 2006

Time flies! It was exactly one year ago when we stepped into istana!
we took many pics at the same old spot as last year. This year, we have one german frd joining us. And he is really tall~ we were joking abt the race that each of us belongs if we were at the middle-earth. I am the hobbit race, while he is wizard race. daniel? he is lucky, he belongs to the men race.
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Saturday, August 05, 2006

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Dynamic City (team Italy)

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shoot shoot shoot!!!

For Immediate Release – 12 July 2006

Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006 Press Release

The Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006, in conjunction with Singapore’s 41st National Day celebration, will be held at Marina Bay over a four-day period at 2100 hours each night.

Team Italy will debut at the festival on 5th August. Lead by choreographer Mr. Francesco Ambrico, their theme will be “Dynamic City”, showcasing a loud, dynamic and passionate display. President Nathan will grace the event on this day.

Lead by Mr. Hery Ng, Team Singapore will present on 8th August to the theme “Our City of Colours”, underscoring Singapore’s multi-racialism and the National Day celebrations.

Another debutant, Team New Caledonia, lead by choreographer Mr. Charles Germain will take stage on 11th August. Their theme “Nature & Mystique” will showcase a tranquil display of the sights and sounds of Mother Nature.

Team France, back at the Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006 due to popular demand, will wrap up the festival on 12th August with “Celebration of Life”. Lead by Mr. Dominique Brezac, their act is a surprise to watch out for.

The Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006 will be a grand and more spectacular extravanganza. Over 9,000 rounds of fireworks and a greater variety of effects such as slow-fall lanterns with waterfalls and heart-shapes in dazzling shades of blue, orange and lime green are expected.

Each individually choreographed musical fireworks display, lasting 12 to 15 minutes, will see bursts of water shells and parachutes shots that will travel up, down, across and onto the waters of Marina Bay, lighting up an area spanning 500 meters and filling the night sky with its breathtaking and stunning effects.

Entry to the Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006 is free. Popular viewing areas include the Padang, Esplande Park, Marina Promenade, Marina Centre, One Fullerton, Merlion Park. Members of the public are advised to use public transport and not drive.