Monday, November 27, 2006
Why I Don't Date Asian Men <转>
A few people, namely my mom, ask why I don't date Asian men, and in particular Chinese men. My answer is that I would LOVE to date a sweet, sexy Chinese man! But read on to find out the problems therein.
Disclaimer: I am generalizing for humor from my own handful of personal experiences. Do not take offense, Asian men of the world! Or if you do, just complain in private and don't email me about it.
Complimenting Women
A non-Asian man will tell you that you're beautiful at least every day, more likely every hour. If you're really done up, every five minutes.
An Asian man, if forced, may admit under extreme duress that you're not ugly. He will immediately then insult your cooking to compensate.
Asking Women Out
A non-Asian man will call or email during the middle of the week to ask you out for the weekend. He will suggest a tasteful venue, and offer to pick you up.
An Asian man will call you on Saturday night on his way to a restaurant to see if you want to meet him there.
Missing You
If you're dating a non-Asian guy and you don't talk to him for 3 or 4 days, he will call to say how much he missed you, and how he's looking forward to seeing you.
An Asian man will say, "Has it been four days?? Didn't we just talk yesterday?"
If you ask nicely, a non-Asian man will buy you flowers every couple of months. He will write a sweet note on the card.
An Asian man will bring flowers to your funeral if you pass away....
Asian men, or at least Chinese men, are superior in one way, in my humble opinion. During the 1% of time that they really put their mind to it, no one is better at being attentive. They'll ask if you're too warm, or too cold. They'll navigate for you even if you're just walking down the street, pointing out places you shouldn't step. They'll ask if you're tired, if you're sleepy, if you're sad.Then, their energy exhausted by this hour of attentiveness, they will disappear into a vacuum for the next five days.
[I hope you found this entertaining, gentle reader.]
Saturday, November 25, 2006
random thoughts
远远地望着她,默默地守护着她, 耐心地等着她,不给她压力,让她自己选择,这,也许是处理情感的更好方式。
Thursday, November 23, 2006
release of PSLE result
9:30am 教小六的所有老师都去 HOD Room 看成绩。
嗯,华文,全校没有人考到C. Phew~ 真松了一口气
我班 30 人,4 个 B,其他的26个都考到了 A。
但没有人考到 A*,而全校也才只有 3 个人考到A*。
Sunday, November 19, 2006
他今天也来了。我以为我可以如以往一样、像朋友般地谈笑自如,但我这才发现我不太敢看他了,更别讲单独私底下谈话。没给人照的时候,我确保我不落单。一会儿黏着daniel,要不然就在 ric 旁边乱哈拉几句,不然就跟在什么都不知道的 john 旁边走。感觉就好像是没做功课的学生,在躲着老师的侦查。我知道我这么做并不好,但在不知道怎么应付单独相处的情况下,我还是暂时做个自私的人吧。
而他呢,我想他也还没整理好。daniel 在回家的路上跟我说,他今天特别地安静,话非常少。
今天到底怎么搞的? 尴尬的场面有点熟悉
这突然让我想起前年 chris.h 的表哥来…… 另一个让我深感抱歉的人。
这种略带尴尬的情况会持续多久? 好希望还能回到以前的相处模式。
真羡慕 john,今天属他最自在。
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
last day of school for pupils
上学的最后一天,唉,当学生真好~ 我还要等两个礼拜后才能算是放假。
我负责华文部的诗歌朗诵及歌唱表演。一早就开始帮学生们化妆、打扮。 叫学生排好队,一个一个上前来给我画。哈哈哈!真笑死我了~ 画得个个都像“如花”,真得有够难看的。呵呵!我感觉好像是 “如花” 制造厂哦~
但小孩子,只要脸上红红绿绿,她们就开心了,管他配不配。 哈哈!有些还嫌脸上腮红不够红,还叫我涂厚一点呢!呵呵!肯定她们长大后,再看到相片时,会后悔得不得了。 =D
所以咯,把她们的脸当画布,作起画来。这里抹抹,那里涂涂。呵呵!比 picasso 的画还鲜艳呢~
好笑的是,我还小小的恶作剧,昧着良心,边画还边称赞:“哇~ claris 今天好美呀!今年一整年啊,claris 今天最漂亮了!” 那个小傻瓜听了马上开心地笑了,眼中闪耀着光芒,完全没有发现到陈老师已经快要不行了,忍到都得了内伤啦~
claris (left) and agatha(right)
一群小如花,和我~ hahaha!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
今天,daniel 和我两个人去海边照照相,看看海、吹吹海风、散散心、想想事情、自我反思一下……
daniel 这个老弟有时还不错,还会逗着我玩。在沙滩上走走,感受海连天的辽阔,心情果然不那么沉了~
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Busy day~ ^_^
We went to K-box to sing at noon. Daniel then went to suntec to shoot the motorshow, while me and rachel went shopping~ hohoho!! metro is having 20% storewide sale. How can we miss that? =p Most of my colleague are even more kiasu, they went yesterday immediately after work. Poor hock, become our carrier man. haha~
after the warfare at metro paragon, i went for Simon's wedding dinner. On the way there, i met a violin frd unexpectedly~ wow!~ we have not seen each other for quite some time, since march! and he has gained weight~ =p
Since he had nothing on after that, he volunteered to accompany me, and we walked from city hall to clark quay's swissotel. ^_^ the night scenery is beautiful, but i dont think i want to walk that same path in high heels again~ =p
Sec school frds: Kavitha, Linda and me~ =D
Friday, November 10, 2006
i thought singaporeans are shy...
“huh?……” 我太感震惊了
“哦,对不起,你开的车和我的朋友的很像,呵呵,所以我认错了,不好意思哦,谢谢你,呵呵,对不起,er.. 谢谢啊,不用了,谢谢……”
但不幸的是,那个人一点都不帅,害我到现在还惊魂未定。 所以我称今天为“遭遇”。
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
learning conversation
Lexus of cds
不便宜; 一张 cd 要 $29.90, 有些还更贵。
当时也没多想,就把钱掏出来买了。它的包装还很漂亮,还有 cd 布套呢!
回家好好享受去~ =D
Sunday, November 05, 2006
high tide and grey sky... too bad
Saturday, November 04, 2006
fish eye!
and it feels grrrrrrrrrrrrreat spending big bucks~
but well, we will have to eat grass for the next few weeks.
had a lot of fun playing with this new lens at home.
we took pic of ひよ子, a famous japanese chick cake.
and trying to make it look delicious.
(er.... the effect turn out to be a bit ghostly rather than tasty.. haha!)
mom at balcony. say cheeze~ ^_^
Friday, November 03, 2006
where to this weekend?
风景、人像、昆虫、建筑、旅游,这几个主题每个星期换来换去,照腻了,就换主题照。 怕的是明明决定好的地方和主题,有时还会一问再问,改了又改。
这个礼拜,照相的兴趣不是很浓。反而想去练练舞。 哈!又是如此。等到没舞伴可练时,才突然特别想跳。但没了舞伴,很多动作无法练,自己练也没意思。
啊!要找一个新舞伴……不简单啊!在还没找到舞伴之前,我今年应该不会回去 ntu 练舞了吧……