Saturday, June 02, 2007

1st day of holiday

i cant go back to taiwan this holiday due to shifting of school. But my holiday shouldnt gone wasted either.

here are my holiday plans:

1. read at least 2 books (i can barely remember when is the last time i read a book for pleasure. )

2. revise and learn 2 new piano / violin pieces (it has been ages since I touch those instruments)

3. at least maintain weight, must control snack and icecream intake, and must not get any heavier. (crossing my fingers)

4. revise Japanese vocab and grammar (don't wanna forget what I learnt)

5. maybe sign up for a language course? (jap or german)

6. gathering with old frds (have a lot to catch up with them)

7. continue the big search for a dance partner. (I wanna learn tango and jive!)

hmm, so i will see what i can score out of 7 points after the school break.

がんばってね! ^_^

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