Monday, June 06, 2005

an afternoon in the garden

Spend my whole afternoon chasing after butterflies, bugs, ants, and insects in the garden.

never realize that it is so difficult to take a pic of butterfly
it always flys away even before i can get close to it...
i got a bit frustrated in the end, as there are many times where the focus, background and postition of the subject were perfect, then it just flew away.... Argh!

hehe! i bet it must also feel irritated too, and think that i am a nuisance~ cos i am not only disturbing its lunch, but also always charging aggressively at it with a camera =p

towards the evening, i decide that i will wait, focus on a spot, and hope that the butterfly can just fly into my photo taking range.

i waited... and waited..... and waited..........
in the end, i got 2 mosquito bites on my face... =(

but at least, i got a few good shots in return

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