Wednesday, June 22, 2005

a trap?






















Thursday, June 16, 2005


Managed to contact my another good friend in time, before i fly back to Singapore.
Everyone is busy with work and studies. It is so difficult to arrange a time to meet up now.

We have not met for 4 years already~ since 2001 winter!
She didnt change much, still as pretty and fair from my memory
so excited to see old friends~ ^0^

We went to a jap restaurant, 麻布茶房, for dinner.
Simply love the ice cream there~ it tastes much better than swensons
and the rice is special too. i ordered cheese beef set meal + plum rice梅子饭, a mixture of sweet and sour taste, and i finish the whole set meal! to the last grain of rice~

after that, we then walk to 新掘江 (Xin Jue Jiang) to shop a bit.

We bought sunglasses from this shop

(we tried to act cool here, but obviously failed, hoho! look quite awkward, especially me~ =p )

back to normal us~

(is raining still, some of the shops are closed, very few pple shopping too, otherwise, the streets should be a scene of bustle and excitement)

my old specs (5 yrs) was spoilt already, bought 2 new ones from another optical shop.

(purposely choose a thick rectangle frame for a stern teacher image, it will match perfectly with a cane in hand) Wahahahahaha~!!!

after shopping, we stroll to the famous night walkway, 城市光廊, for coffee break.
but it had been raining for days, and today is raining too. the cafe was not opened.
the lighting was nice and colourful though
this was my 2nd time there after many years.
we tried to take a few pic there... but it all turned out blur and ghostly... *_*

this is the best one already

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

after buffet, with bloated stomach and contented smiles

this is more like it. Chef Alex gains back his reputation

our food prepared by Big Chef Alex, 3 chao da octopus. taste like rubber ^_^!!

and then, a chao da (burnt) chicken for Chef Alex

a prawn for Anita~

we gals happily waiting to be served~ hoho!

our big chef for today, concentrating in cooking

Wu Zang Restaurant

Went out with friends for dinner

We have Japanese BBQ buffet this time, at 武藏 restaurant.
actually planned to go to 野宴 for dinner, but we were 3 blur king and queens. Got mixed up and could not find the restaurant.

but we still have a jolly time~ ^_^

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

10 CDs at one go

went out with mom today

we went to 汉神 (han shin), and i bought many CDs there!
i was drawn into the music shop by the beautiful vioce of Russell Watson.

the sales manager is very knowlegeable. he recommend me some other very nice CD.
really love it. In the end, i spent around $300 (6000NT) on 10 CDs.

Russell Watson (Amore Musica)
Il Divo (Il Divo)
Best Voices "Audiophile" I, II, III
Best Voices "Bossa"
Gotan Project (la revancha del tango)
Susan Wong (I wish you l0ve), (These foolish things)
Always Forever (Mix)

phew, this is the first time i spend so much money buying cds at one shot.. ^_^!!
although expensive, i think they are worth it. some of them are imported ones too.
highly recommended from me now
and i can spend my many days enjoying these wonderful music. hoho!

and today, i get to know that singapore has a much talented female singer, totally different from stephanie sun (whom i still dont know the reason why she can be so popular), she is Susan Wong, jazz singer. I like her vioce; unique and attractive.

Monday, June 13, 2005

he went offline without saying goodbye..

strangely, my mood was affected

this is stupid...

Raining Days

raining heavily outside...

it has been raining all day all night

when will the rain stop? it never seem to stop

guess today is just another day, a day at home... lazy to go out anywhere too.

my fingers are dancing on the keyboard
chatting with friends, surfing net

practice my violin ba
i havent master my simple symphony pieces yet...

draw a sketch ba
there is someone dear i wanna draw...

study some japanese vocab ba
i am behind the class's pace already...

talking to myself and find this foolish
yeah, this is me...

the complex me

Saturday, June 11, 2005

so many coincidence --- creepy

Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can?

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to your seat.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford..'
Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here's the kicker...

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Creepy huh? But I think this is one history lesson people don't mind knowing. =p

A cute story (Not Everyone Sees & Hear the same thing)

The day finally arrived;
Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven.
He is at the Pearly Gates,
met by St. Peter himself.

However, the gates are closed
and Forrest approaches the Gatekeeper.
St . Peter says,
"Well, Forrest, it's certainly good to see you.
We have heard a lot about you.
I must tell you,though, that the place is filling up fast,
and we've been administering an entrance exam for everyone.
The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven."

Forrest responds, "It shor is good to be here, St. Peter, sir.
But nobody ever tolt me about any entrance exam.
Shor hope the test ain't too hard; life was a big enough test as it was".

St. Peter goes on, "Yes, I know, Forrest, but the test is only three questions.

First: What two days of the week begin with the letter T?
Second: How many seconds are there in a year?
Third: What is God's first name?"

Forrest leaves to think the questions over.
He returns the next day
St. Peter who waves him up and says,"Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers."
Forrest says, "Well, the first one --which two days in the weekbegin with the letter "T"?
Shucks, that one's easy. That'd be Today and tomorrow.

The Saint's eyes open wide and he exclaims,"Forrest, that's not what I was thinking,
but you do have a point, and I guessI didn't specify, so I'll give you credit for that answer.
How about the next one?" asks St. Peter ."How many seconds in a year?""

Now that one's harder," says Forrest,"but I thunk and thunk about that andI guess the only answer can be twelve."Astounded, St. Peter says,"Twelve? Twelve!? Forrest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?"

Forrest says "Shucks, there's gotta be twelve: January 2nd, February 2nd , March 2nd . . ""Hold it, " interrupts St. Peter."I see where you're going with this, and I see your point, though that wasn't quite what I had in mind.....but I'll have to give you credit for that one, too.
Let's go on with the third and final question.
Can you tell me God's first name"?

"Sure" Forrest replied,"its Andy."
"Andy?!"exclaimed an exasperated and frustrated St. Peter.
"Ok, I can understand how you came up with your answers to my first two questions, but just how in the world did you come upwith the name Andy as the first name of God?"

"Shucks, that was the easiest one of all,"Forrest replied.
"I learnt it from the song. .


St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates and said:"Run Forrest, run."


A friend fwd me this passage. not bad.


結婚是 " 兩家人" 的串聯 生活卻是 " 兩個人" 的一輩子

「老實告訴你好了,我一定要離開,因為我從來就沒有喜歡過這棟房子。 地點也好、裝潢也罷,我通通都不喜歡!」她冷若冰霜地宣告。

男人的未婚妻以「不喜歡新房子」這個聽起來幼稚可笑的理由發難,砲轟 個他莫名所以又措手不及,當著他呆如木雞的面孔,徹底收拾湮滅她在此 生活過的證據,終結兩人多年的感情以及曾經共同計劃的未來,頭也不回 地閃人了。

男人的人生運勢一直相當不錯。學業愛情一帆風順,事業更搭上「電子新貴」的太空梭,財富凌霄直上;當他動了結婚的念頭時,他以為凡事都可以按部就班、各就各位,首先,未婚妻說婚後想要自組小家庭,男人的老 媽也同意,所以得先去買幢房子。



老媽喜歡靠近郊區的傳統透天厝,一再對他耳提面命「我最怕坐電梯住高 樓了,地震火災逃都沒地方逃,雖然我不會天天和你們住在一起,但,你可不希望我爾偶去你家小住幾天時,無時不刻提心吊膽吧」;未婚妻喜歡 位在市區的電梯公寓大廈,認為如此才能「方便吃飯逛街,有管理員和管委會料理日常瑣事,生活較有品質」。

兩造意見,南轅北轍,老媽一句「出錢的人決定要買在哪裡」,他是出錢 的人,而他是老媽生的,理所當然買了郊區的透天厝。

接下來裝潢也讓他成了豬八戒照鏡子,裡外不是人。 老媽說「廚房的門怎麼可以拆掉?煎煮炒炸油煙那麼多,萬一沒了門,整 個客廳也都會燻得烏漆嘛嘿的,成何體統!」

未婚妻說,「可我喜歡開放式廚房啊。小家庭很少開伙,油煙根本不多。 門拆掉做個吧台隔間兼當餐桌,冷氣進得到廚房來,實用又有情趣。你忍 心看我像從前的女人那樣卑微,窩在沒有冷氣的小角落搞得滿頭大汗?」

老媽退休後成天在家英英美黛子,自告奮勇到現場監工……廚房的門當然 是保住了,吧台就甭提了。

房子終於搞定後,男人和未婚妻先搬進去住,正討論婚禮細節的當兒,未 婚妻忽然說︰「我不玩了,可以吧?再見!」

直到當愛已成為往事很久以後,男人還是不了解︰「事情有到要毀婚這麼 嚴重嗎?要是真的那麼不喜歡這幢房子,當初可以堅決反對到底啊。為什麼當時要讓步,而最後又翻臉呢?」

是啊,男人真的不明白女人的婚姻焦慮。對一個即將嫁為人婦、成為人媳 的現代女人來說——房事,不僅僅是「買在哪裡、怎麼裝潢」這麼單純的 問題而已,而是一項觀察指標,觀察她將嫁入的即這個家庭,將來有沒有 容納她意見的空間。如果男人連房事都得對原生家庭的意見照單全收的話 ,教她如何相信,將來她的生活空間和婚姻經營權可以完全被尊重?


Le papillon's thoughts:

it is a cruel but true fact.

After all, the women are more independent these days. Most women have their own jobs and can even perform better than men in many aspects of work. We dont actually have to depend on men. Why get ourselves trapped in the the marriage tomb if the married life is not going to be better than being single?

that is a slow suicidal act...

i support the fiancee's decision; better to back out before it is too late.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Toffee Club

hoho! went out with one of my taiwan's best friend tonight!
we havent seen each other for 3 years already! time really flies!

she is getting prettier through the years, and she has a new boyfriend now.
hehe! happy for her. and i think the current bf is much better than the last one i saw 4 years ago. they are very suitable for each other, and i am really happy for her. ^_^

haha! and i already booked to be her bride maid if they get married. =p

she brought her 6 months old puppy to show me. it is very cute, eats alot, and cant stay still. its name is "小红豆" meaning "little red bean". cute name huh?

beacuse of little red bean, we went to a unique restaurant, Toffee Club, for dinner at 民生路 tonight. it allows pple to bring in their pets. it is a combined restaurant for human and pets. hehe! equality to all~
and the food is very tasty there! the price is reasonable as well.

there were quite a few pple there tonight. each bringing their own dogs. the settings is very comfortable and relaxing too. dogs are free to walk abt in the restaurant, socializing with other dogs there. in the meanwhile, pple can just laze and sit there, relax, chit chat with friends, read magazines, order some food and etc.
oh yeah, the pets have their special menu also!

interesting place~ i never know kaoshiung has such restaurant ^_^

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Funeral picture of Spider

try to take a pic of a spider today.

mom was the first one who discover it. and i was thrilled upon seeing it; cos it was big in size. It was about the size of a palm! and i can even see its hair clearly too!

it dodge and run here and there, so difficult to capture it with camera through the view finder.

and in a mess, i stepped on it accidently

then it bye bye liao...
it shrunk (to the size of 3/5 of palm), and curled up its legs neatly.

i can only take a photo of its yi2 zhao4 ^_^!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Stroll at riverside

the love river is very beautiful and lively recently.
cos the 端午节 festival is coming
The 龙舟赛 (boat rowing competition) is coming in just a few days, and along the sides of the river, pple are setting up their stalls already, selling food, drinks, games, gifts and etc!

a few years ago, the water was still very dirty and polluted. There was even one time that a foreign competition team refused to row the boat in the river, cos the river was too smelly.

but now the situation is much better!
there is no strange smell anymore, and lesser rubbish floating on the water surface.
if possible, i dont mind to take part in the rowing competition too~
hoho! that will be quite an experience!
(hmm, i wanna be the one who beat the drum on the boat =p)

~~day dreaming~~ ^_^

Monday, June 06, 2005

this pic is taken less than 20cm away

an afternoon in the garden

Spend my whole afternoon chasing after butterflies, bugs, ants, and insects in the garden.

never realize that it is so difficult to take a pic of butterfly
it always flys away even before i can get close to it...
i got a bit frustrated in the end, as there are many times where the focus, background and postition of the subject were perfect, then it just flew away.... Argh!

hehe! i bet it must also feel irritated too, and think that i am a nuisance~ cos i am not only disturbing its lunch, but also always charging aggressively at it with a camera =p

towards the evening, i decide that i will wait, focus on a spot, and hope that the butterfly can just fly into my photo taking range.

i waited... and waited..... and waited..........
in the end, i got 2 mosquito bites on my face... =(

but at least, i got a few good shots in return