Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Anna's Baby Girl




啊~~~~~~ 过程太恐怖了!


曾经看过 discovery channel 的纪录片,哎哟,生不出来时,还拿剪刀剪开来!


salute to all mothers~

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

pics on sunday

终于,今天的 assembly presentation 还算顺利。为了这个鬼东西忙了好几天,真是累啊!今天才是开学第二天呢!就有点快撑不下去的感觉。有太多工作上的事情,在脑子里不停地打转。连睡觉都还会梦到学校。唉!


好久没有见到 Winnie 了,这次觉得她多了一份小女人的味道,发觉她的眼睛还蛮漂亮的。呵呵!可能是以前她出现的时候,都是一副男生样子的装扮吧 。 在厕所换衣服时,便告诉她说她越来越漂亮了,嘻嘻!她还不大好意思呢~ 还互相讨论脸上的妆,帮对方检查衣服。认识她这么久了,这次才真正觉得比较没距离。这是好事。

说起厕所,啊~ 那厕所还真热啊!还没开始,就又冒汗了。


衣服 + 动作 + 表情 = 怪怪的

照一个人本来就不容易了,更别说要照两个了。看那些女子团队如 S.H.E 等等,她们的照片感觉就不会怪怪的,而且她们还是3个人呢。嗯,看来这可又是一门学问。

后天,daniel 要回来了。好期待看看他在欧洲所拍的照片~ 他也很好奇地想看看我前天的 photos,还说不错的话,他也想带着相机一起来练习呢~


Sunday, June 18, 2006

going home

noon already, getting so hot now...
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Yuan2 Shan1 Fan4 Dian4

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Cheng Qing Hu

Went to Cheng Qing Hu with dad. hehe! this is my latest pirate dress style. =p

too bad we only have 1 and half hours to spare, cos we have other appointments later. Therefore, the tix is kind of wasted.. But well, at least we get to walk walk and see see.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

8000 3290 1190

meet up with Yiqiu and her bf.
We went shopping together. =D
haha! ok, ok.. actually it is them accompanying me shopping. =p

hmm, not cheap at all, but well, i think Brappers still worth the money.

since the first day i came back to taiwan, i have been buying things everyday... cheap ones and expensive ones. Ha! there are simply soooo many interesting and good things here; it is just too difficult to resist!

ah... i bought another cowa handbag on 14th... planned to give it to mom as gift... however, the more i look at it, the more i like it...


i think....



Monday, June 12, 2006