Sunday, December 25, 2005

music link at the side bar

Try creating a music link, "la musique j'écoute", at the side bar.
And i succeeded~ hohoho! =D
it is considered as an achievement for a computer handicap like me. =p

From now on, i will upload and share some nice music from time to time.

介绍的第一首是70年代红遍欧陆的法国老歌:Les Champs-Elysees (香榭大道)
Joe Dassin 的嗓子也许不是最好的,但他在这首歌里,对歌曲意境的掌握绝对是一流的。

我本身还没去过香榭大道,那就借由这首来感受一下在那儿漫步时浪漫写意的氛围吧~ ^_^